Here's why Awakening Your Ikigai Mentoring Program can transform your life!
Our habits, which we have formed over our lifetime, are the base of our daily actions and some of these habits are unhealthy and unwanted. If you want to change your life, you must create new habits.
Most of us have heard that it takes 21 days to create a habit but if it were that easy we'd have much happier people and a healthy planet. The 21-day myth has been around since the 1950's and was a misinterpretation of a study. Have you felt like a failure because you could not change a habit in 21 days. The good news is that you CAN rewire your brain and create daily habits that support the life you want to live. It might take longer than 21 days, but it only takes one new choice to begin the journey. If you don't feel excited to wake up in the morning, it's time for Engaging Ikigai! Michele and Dean utilize the science behind creating habits and bring you proven tools and practices that will change your life.
Our brains LOVE habits because they are efficient for the body. This is both the good news, and the challenge, as it applies to habits we love and ones that we want to let go of. Most of us don't have to remember to brush our teeth in the morning because we've developed a habit of doing it. Our brains 'reward' our efforts when we create habits by doing them automatically. Habits are easier for our brains! |
The key for creating new habits is consistent and slow change and our program is designed with this in mind. learn more here.
Research shows that creating steady and small changes to our lives sets us up for long term sustainability and that having a support system increases our success. Riding the energy of others can get us through challenges along the way to our goals.
Engaging Ikigai is based in the science of habit by providing small and steady changes, community support and accountability while you transform your life. It's a lot more fun and enlivening to have cheerleaders and friends to share success with. To read more about habits, check out Charles Duhiggs who wrote the book "The Power of Habit."