on how we met...
on how we met...
M: I was thinking about how when we bumped into each other at that community barbecue, and how everyone around us noticed that there was something going on between us...except for us <grin>
D: Yeah, and we didn’t notice each other all day, even when we did the same three-legged-race! Funny that at the very end we turned around...and walked right into one another. And what was exciting for me was how calm I felt, how safe I felt...just a very comfortable feeling talking to you... it was nice... you don’t get that feeling often.
M: And no doubt, I thought you were super cute but I thought we were just chatting and I was excited that you were a trainer, because I had decided to get serious about losing weight and getting healthier. and it was funny how later we found out that people were talking to each other... asking 'is something going on between them?' We didn't see it!
M: Funny how our lives had intersected before... a few times, but that day at the park in October 2013, we really 'noticed' each other for the first time. And I reached out to you for some help with my weight...and you told me to drink more water and drop the grain carbs at dinner. That was a big one for me!
D: So many people ask me for advice and they usually don't take it seriously... but you took it VERY seriously!
And next I said to lose the grain carbs at lunch and limit your wine intake and I remember you said: noooooooooo! but you did it anyway!
And next I said to lose the grain carbs at lunch and limit your wine intake and I remember you said: noooooooooo! but you did it anyway!
M: Yeah, that really worked for me... and, funny... our conversations were all by text... for like a month.
D: And we started to talk spirituality and you gave me that Mark Nepo book...but we didn't actually see one another again until about a month later.
M: And to read that story, they'll have to stay tuned...
on the power of manifestation...
D: What I remember was that neither of us wanted a relationship... we were clear on "just keeping things light and fun"... but once you read my vision for a relationship partner...
M: I could hardly believe it... it WAS me! You had made a very detailed list of what you wanted...
D: Yep... VERY specific... ha ... and I read that list morning and night for weeks... figured it was worth trying.
M: And I remember the top two items were someone who loves themselves and loves life! I used to type "I love life" as my facebook status all the time so that was an obvious fit...
D: It was pretty surprising... and I remember you thanking me for being so specific... I remember your list had one item: "someone who brings me joy" so I think we both did pretty well.
on our common ground...
M: though our backgrounds were quite different, we had a lot in common... and one thing was that we both were stay-at-home parents... me... a homeschooling mother of three, for the past 20 years...
D: ...and me a military dad of three. And after the 14 years in the military full time, I have to say that it didn’t even come close to being a parent! It was the hardest and most rewarding job I ever had. I grew a lot as a man. Very challenging, but I loved it.
M: yeah, me too... I loved my time as a stay-at-home parent... and I'm grateful for the experience for me and my kids. It was something I wanted since I was a teenager - probably because my mom was home with us. And here we are in our 50's starting a whole new adventure...